
Congratulations UMASS MinuteMen, NCAA Division One-Double A FootBall champions!!!
Official Valentine Figure

Who's the perfect icon to represent the biggest day for floral and chocolate sales then the sweetheart of the lead character of the biggest and most popular line of video games? Emy!
Founder, Lead Maintainer and Overseer of Operations
The rest are located in the staff page.
Confusing CopyRight Crapola
Copyright © 1996-1998 by Bird Productions. All rights reserved. No parts of this page or
any other, including but not limited to text, graphics, animations, may be duplicated in whole or in part
without the express written permission of Bird Productions. No webmaster may link directly
to graphics or files (including ROMS and executibles) on this website, you can only link directly to .htm,
or .html. All rights reserved. All logos and names are registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Welcome to the 'Zone
New main page layout coming on Jan. 24th!
Before we begin, are there any DHTML authors that know how to make this page
run more smoothly after my little DHTML Sript has completed its animation??
Welcome to the 'Zone: one of the web's oldest and continuously running console emulation sites on the web! The Emulation Zone is a non-profit organization composed of over twenty or so "academically preoccupied" staff members, ranging from console section editors to utility programmers. Our goal is to provide the public with pure, raw information that they can use, (with a spinkle of ROMs.) So, whether you are a newbee to the world of emulation, a veteran looking for some tips or utilities, a console gamer (like myself) or a ROMaholic, this page will help you find what your looking for. After all, we are the original Emulation Zone. Accept no substitutes!
Please note that we do not cover the emulation of extremely out-of-date console gaming systems like the Atari 2600 or the Commodore 64. I will not waste my time or yours on game systems with video and audio quality so bad, it's laughable, nowadays. Instead, we provide information for the systems with game quality comparable to what's commercially available today.
Now Hear This. . .
 Watch for broken links!
Well, it's that time again. No, not the holidays (happy holidays,) but time for the 'Zone to change and improve on its layout. We have many things that we will be doing over the next few weeks to improve this site as a resource for all you Console Gamers out there. But, as a side effect of our reconstruction and reorganization, some links may go "dead." These occurrences will be temporary, as we strive to improve and prepare the 'Zone for the next millenium!
Want to
join the staff?
Have a page that
needs hosting?
And finally, are you interested in joining the Emulation Zone team? Have a cool website that you feel should get more attension?
Want to get hosted off the same server that the major PlayStation emulator authors rely on? Then email No Carrier for more info and visit our Want Ads for current openings. We
are on the look-out for additional people to add to our staff. All that we ask is that you have experience using a
text based editor for HTML editing and have time to work on the page once every week or two.
Console Emulation Sections
Below is a listing of console systems covered here in the 'Zone. Each section discusses the emulators avalable
for the particular unit, along with a list of games (ROMs), utilities, front ends, translations and much much more!
Check out my old Main Links page, which was my old way of representing this info.
News Section...
- Fresh News on the Emulation Scene, Updated Daily!! (mostly).
About Us...
- Everything you wanted to know about the page, from the HolyWars to our headquarters.
Console Necessities
- When complete, this page will contain links to various companies selling ROM copyier and accessories such as console controller
adaptors. (Currently under redesign because this section sucks.)
- After having to explain the world of emulation to my friends on numerous occasions, I finally decided that it would be helpful to compile a
document explaining what new-commers to this area need to know and what they should expect. (Version 1.0 - spelling &
grammer correctect! Spacing screwed-up by MicroSoft Word 97. DOH!)
- A helpful FAQ page concerning emulation. (By Blizzard) Will be expanded into an all-purpose "Emulation Q&A Center".
Front Ends Central
- One stop shopping for front end users and authors.
Hosted Programming Projects
- Hosted programing projects with an emulation theme.
Rare & Forgotten ROMs
- Great games for various systems that are know by so few people.
ROM site List
- Links to quality ROM sites from allover the 'Net! (If you want your site listed, please email a link to your site.)
Translation Central
- A great source for ROM translation information.
Sonic Stuff Research Group
- Sonic the Hedgehog related stuff, like cheats (in one way or another) ROMs, hidden levels, and our exclusive Sonic & Knuckles
lock-on technology trick for ROM images.
Video Gaming FanFare
- Are you a big fan of any particular console game? If so, check out these sites.
xlBC Information Project
- An information archive containing game manuals and GameGenie codes. Check it out!
Yonin no Translators (YnT)
- Dark Mazda's Translation group. Home of the Rockman/Forte (R/F(e)) & PasoFami(e) (an emulator) translation projects.