About the unit:
As a kid during those long, boring as hell bus ride to and from school, I could help but wonder,
 The Gameboy
Wouldn't it be cool if I could bring my NES game with me and play these game on some portable game unit with some kind of screen?
At the time, all we had were those "Tiger Electronics" hand held units, where the charactors' sprites were pre-made on an
LCD panel. The game movement was not at all smooth or realistic. Therefore, the games pretty much sucked. Then came gameboy.
This popular handheld unit was introduced in 1988(9). It had a good sized LCD screen, which had a greenish tint. This tint was mocked upon later on,
after color portable game units were released. But, unlike them, the gameboy unit has a longer battery life. It also had stereo FM sound with optional headphone jack,
(so teachers would not know that you were playing gameboy in class,) and a cartrage slot to exchange games. The game themselfs sold for
about $20 each. Not bad, considering that those Tiger Electronic hand held junky games cost $15 each!
The gameboy is still pretty much alive today, with games still being made for this unit.