Video Gaming "FanFare" Sections
What is a "FanFare" section? A "FanFare" section is a page dedicated to a
particular game or series of games. They are written and managed by
fanatics of that game. The web is host to hundreds of these "fan" pages.
Here at the 'Zone, you will find a small following of such video game "fan" sites.
Fan Websites
Blaster Master Underground
- Artwork, sounds, game and development information, and everything else related to the Blaster Master and Meta Fight game sagas
- For the Blue Bomber( MegaMan) fan in us all. Manga, fan fiction, art, music, legends, and oddballish humor. Hey, what more could you ask for?
Green Hill Zone
- A great Sonic site that has excellent descriptions about the games in the series.
RPG Channel
- A great "RPG Only" website. Many reviews, sections, features, and includes a forum.
SEGA Forever
- A shrine to all that is Sega. Game Genie saves, instruction books, old magazine articles, wall papers, and much more.
Sonic HQ
- Home of one of the largest Sonic the Hedgehog fan sites on the web. They have it all, from fan made art and fiction to gaming
information. A true one-stop shop for the Sonic fanatic!
TSSZ: The Super Sonic Zone
- A great news site that covers the Sonic Gaming Community and developments in the SEGA Video Gaming Community as well.