*-=*=-=-=*=-=-=*=-=-=*=-=-=*=-=-=*=-=-=*=-=-=*=-=-=*=-=-=*=-* + + * Constructing Tables for NES ROM Hacking * + + * v1.2 * + + * by InVerse * + + * 04/13/99 * + + *-=*=-=-=*=-=-=*=-=-=*=-=-=*=-=-=*=-=-=*=-=-=*=-=-=*=-=-=*=-* Introduction ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The purpose of this document is simple enough, to teach people who are new to ROM hacking/translating how to create tables for use with NES ROMs. If you're experienced with such things then there's no reason for you to read this, but I've had several people as of late coming into various channels on IRC and asking for help creating tables, so I decided to write my own file on the subject. I don't claim to have created any of the techniques in this file, I'm simply relaying the info to those who need it. Disclaimer ~~~~~~~~~~ If the techniques in this file fail to work for any reason, I will refund all of your money. Since this is a free file, I guess that means you won't be getting much back. ; ) If the techniques DO work, then do everyone a favor and make a good hack or translate a good game. ; ) Tools ~~~~~ Nesticle NES ROM Notepad (Yup, that's it, though a computer can help too.) Getting Started ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alright, first you have to open the ROM you want to create a table for in Nesticle. For the purposes of this lesson, I'm going to use The Legend of Zelda so if you want to follow along, I suggest using that ROM as well. Once you have the ROM opened, pause it by pressing ALT-P. Hit F2 and you'll see Nesticle's Pattern Editor pop up. Now you have to locate the font table. See the alphabet and numbers up in the upper left hand corner of the Pattern Editor? That's the font table. In some ROMs, it won't be quite so easy to find. Sometimes you'll have to let the game run for a little bit before the font table will pop up, sometimes (especially in older games) there might not be a complete font table. Other times, there might even be more than one font table. But for the most part, you'll get lucky (like we did with Zelda) and the complete font table will be located at the beginning. Anywayz, once you've located the font table, click the first character that you want to include. A small window will pop up that has the character in it. At the top of that window, you'll see the hex address of that particular character in the ROM. Now either type the character and coordinate into notepad or (if you don't want to bounce back and forth between Nesticle and Notepad) write it down on a sheet of paper. Once you have the hex address of all characters (don't forget the punctuation marks) it's time to make the table. Creating a Table ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When this file was first written, there were two different types of tables, but with the release of Hexposure .40, SnowBro has converted Hexposure to use the same format as Thingy. So now that you have all the information you need to actually create a table, lets get started. To make a table, you simply type the hexadecimal value of the character followed by an equal (=) sign and the character itself. So, using the earlier example of The Legend of Zelda where the hex value of A is 0A, you simply type the following: 0A=A Do this for all characters you wish to include in your table and then save the file as .tbl where is identical to the name of your ROM. So if you're using zelda.nes then the table would be named zelda.tbl. If you don't want to name the table the same as the ROM, it will still work, but Hexposure will open a table by default if it shares the name of the ROM. It'll save you a few seconds of work of you make the ROM and table names match. Other than that, the only major feature is that you can have more than one value per line so that you can list hex values of entire words, etc. This is mainly for use with DTE (Dual Tile Encoding). If you don't know what DTE is, well, that's a bit more advanced than anything I intend to cover here, so you'll have to get a document on higher level ROM hacking. For now, though, stick to the basics. Here's an example from Zelda even though there's really no need to use the technique for such a simple game: 230E150D0A=ZELDA Sample Table ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here is a sample table from The Legend of Zelda. Feel free to cut and paste if you want, but I'd suggest attempting to make your own and then comparing it to this one to see if you did it correctly. ---- 00=0 01=1 02=2 03=3 04=4 05=5 06=6 07=7 08=8 09=9 0A=A 0B=B 0C=C 0D=D 0E=E 0F=F 10=G 11=H 12=I 13=J 14=K 15=L 16=M 17=N 18=O 19=P 1A=Q 1B=R 1C=S 1D=T 1E=U 1F=V 20=W 21=X 22=Y 23=Z 28=, 29=! 2A=' 2B=& 2C=. 2D=" 2E=? 2F=- ----- (Remember, the ---- is a divider, don't include it in your table!) Conclusion ~~~~~~~~~~ So that ends our little tutorial on creating table files. If you haven't grasped the concept yet then you're most likely not going to get very far in the ROM hacking/translation scene. If you still don't understand how to hack/translate ROMs, well, that's to be expected. This document wasn't intended to teach you how to hack/translate, it only explains one of the most basic techniques required to get started. Go read other documents (especially the README files of the utilities) and ask questions on IRC/WWWBoards. Zophar's Domain (www.zophar.net) hosts a ROM hacking board and #romhack on IRC's EFnet is another good place. Just expect to be flamed at either place because the ratio of idiots to intelligent people is about 5:1. Anywayz, that ends this document. Hopefully it helped somebody out. If you believe there are mistakes in the file, please let me know. Don't e-mail me asking about more advanced topics, though, because I won't answer. There are plenty of documents out covering almost all hacking/translating subjects, so you should be able to figure out whatever problem your having. Special Thanks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following people either somehow contributed to this document or I just feel like thanking because they're elite or something. ; ) SnowBro - author of Hexposure and other great programs. (http://home.sol.no/~kenhanse/nes/index.htm) Necrosaro - author of Thingy. (http://members.aol.com/sabindude/) Patrikus - for originally teaching me how to make .tbl files. Chojin - for being one of the few people in the emu scene that I don't want to sodomize with a pool cue. _Bnu - for being the only other person in the emu scene that I don't want to sodomize with a pool cue. Taskforce - for bringing me out of a homicidal mood today by sending me the Sanrio Time Net Future ROM. Lina`chan - Cuz I know she'll whine if I don't put her in this document somewhere. ; ) j/k History ~~~~~~~ 01/11/99 - v1.0 - Initial Release 04/13/99 - v1.5 - Updated for Hexposure .40, Contact Info Contact Info ~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'm not that great of a ROM hacker. I wrote this document because I'm sick of seeing people constantly asking how to make table files, so now I can send this to them instead of having to explain it over and over again. In other words, if you have questions about ROM hacking, don't e-mail them to me. If you find a problem with this document, though, please e-mail me at inverse@pigtails.net and I'll be sure to correct it. The most recent copy of this file can always be found at my website Suicidal Translations (http://www.pigtails.net/ST) -InVerse