About the Sega Genesis unit:
 The Genesis
Sega unleased the Genesis system in the states in 1989 and it became it's only star
performer. The 16-bit Motorolla 68000 chip was a standard processor for 16-bit machines
of the time, it's GPU had some good effects, but nothing spectacular, and it's APU could
rattle out some funky techno beats. Sega got massive 3rd party developer support from it's
superior 16-bit technology, and viable price. NEC's TurboGrafix 16 came out to rival the
Genesis' glory, but it was no match for the well established Genesis. Even Nintendo's SNES,
contrary to popular belief, was not a real "winner" of the 16-bit console wars. Although it
came out on top in the end, the Genesis was much better established and around for a lot
longer than the SNES. In it's lifetime, the Genesis had some EXCELLENT titles. All of the
Sonic games, Herzog Zwei, the Streets of Rage series, and all the other classic. Genesis emulation is more
of a science than an art now, so almost every game is playable!