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    Games, Downloads & Links . .
    With many games to chose from, it is important to know that while most games run with no problem, others may not. It is quite possible that your favorite game may not be able to be played on an emulator. Don't let that disappoint you, because things happen fast in the emulator scene. An updated version that can run it could be just a week away. In the mean time, there is a substancile amount of quality games out there worth getting and playing. I recommend people new to the SNES to stick with the more popular games.

    Just about every game without the Super FX chip works.
    Games I do not recommend:
    Cheap stragy and RPG games and "I heard it sucks" games.


    F-Zero 2: Grand Prix
    Mario RGP
    Simcity 2000
    Super Mario World 2:Yoshi's Island

    Want more? Check out my Request page for more SNES games.

    Game Sites

    Bowl's 137 SNES roms - Name says it all! Nice, simple, no BS menu system makes it easy to find a ROM on the list.
    Still want more? Check this guy's SNES page out for some more SNES game links.
    Emulation Station
    New Daily ROMs. - An SNES and Genesis ROM site.
    Sui's Emulator Page - A good handful of ROM SNES roms here. (Thanks for the link Big Al!)
    Snesmerism Tons of SNES ROMs in here. (Possibly gone for good)

    Want more? Check out my Rom Site List for more links.

    Front Ends

    If remembering the commands to run a emulator is too confusing for you, try a program called a Front End. It's basically a little menuing system that assists you by helping you select what options you want to have when you run the emulator. It may help you out.

    Translation Sites

    Sometimes, a game manufacture will, (for one reason or another) releases a game only to one part of world and either give the the rest of the world a differnet version of that game or no version at all! But now with the widespread popularity of the net, versions of popular games like FF3 found only in other countries can now be downloaded of the web and played on you machine at home. The only problem is, most of these games are in another language! Fortunatly, a few groups of people have worked together to translate these games to english or some other lanuage so the rest of us can understand what we are playing.

    Most of these links are down! I will repair them when I have time.

    Bahamut Lagoon
    Burning Pro Wrestling
    Dragon Ball Z: Fighting Story 2
    Dragon Ball Z: Fighting Story 3
    Dragon Ball Z, Feda - Emblem of Justice, Front Mission, and Super Robot Wars 4 Tranlation site
    Dragon Quest III Remix
    Dragon Quest VI
    Emit Volume 2
    Emit Volume 3
    Final Fantasy
    Final Fantasy< IV
    Final Fantasy IVj
    Final Fantasy IVj
    Final Fantasy VIj (6)
    Magic Knight Rayearth
    Mystic Ark
    Mystic Ark
    Romancing Sa-Ga
    Romancing Sa-Ga (By an alternate translation group)
    Romancing Sa-Ga II
    Romancing Sa-Ga 3
    RPG Maker: Super Dante
    RPG Maker 2
    Seiken Densetsu 3
    Super Fire Pro Wrestling
    Treasure Hunter G
    Wedding Peach
    Super Dante patch site
    Secret of Mana 2 and Dragon Quest 6 translation patches site
    Dragon Quest 3 Remix TRanslation Site
    Super Fire Wrestling X Premium - Most likly the only non-RPG game to be translated.
    Y's 2 transplation Site
    RPG translation site- a good place to find translations of your favorite Jap. RPG games.


    [CARTxxx Utilities] - Can be used to extract info from Genesis, SNES, GameBoy, and TG-16 carts and to check to see if they are corrupted.

    [CTool V1.7b2] - It joins, it splits and it converts SNES Roms. All in one program. (Joy)
    (Released: 6/97, size: 40k, DOS)

    [GG2Par V0.01] - Translate Game Genie Codes to Pro Action Replay Codes. (Text line based interface.) (Released: 9/97, size: 34.9k, DOS)

    [Kill Them V3.1] - Removes or "kills" copy protection, like slowrom, found in a few ROMs.
    (Released: 11/94, size: 5.6k, DOS)

    [Password for Pasofami and Spw emulators] - This exe has the passwords to get rid of the shareware timer of the Spw SNES emulator and the Pasofami NES emulator. You'll have to dig through all the comments to find it. (Note: using the password on SPW is know to trigger a Trojain Horse Virus within certain versions of that emulator)
    (Released: ?/??, size: 14.1k, DOS)

    [ROMEDIT] - A program that lets you edit the text within games. Currently, ROMEDIT supports NES, SNES and Gameboy ROMS and claims to even work for Genesis and TG16 ROMS.

    [SFConV] - Converts .GD3 (Game doctor) formated ROMs to .SWC ROM format. (.GD3 formated ROMs on are rare.)
    (Released: 8/3/96, size: 20.9k, DOS)

    [SNESSOR V2.1] - A utility to extract sound files from SNES roms.
    (Released: 2/18/98, size: 88.3k, DOS)

    [SNESSOR95 v2.1] - A windows based version of the the popular Snessor utility. Production on this utility has halted because the author lost the source code to a disk crash.
    (Released: 3/8/98, size: ??.?k, DOS)

    [SnesTool V1.2] - From the makes of SegaTool comes SnesTool. Does about the same thing: It joins, it splits and it converts Sega Roms. All in one program. (Joy)
    (Released: 2/12/96, size: 18.6k, DOS)

    [SNES Checksum Validator] - Rapairs bad checksums on currupted SNES Roms.

    [Ucon ROM Image Converter] - Not only does this program convert Roms to other formats but it also tests a Rom image to see if it legitamate or not. My personal all-round favorite.

    [Visor V0.01] - Visor is a Super Nintendo Tile Editor by Lord Esnes. This program can be used to translate Japanesse games to English games, or change the sprites or/and the backgrounds of the game.
    (Released: 9/97, size: 84.0k, DOS)

    Related Links

    Dragon Ball Z info site - Want to learn more about all the Dragon Ball games? Check out this site.
    Emulator FAQ page
    Fubar's SNES Cheat Achive - Name says it all
    SMC-Ripper - A utility to edit the graphics in SNES games.
    SNES Emulation Centre
    SNES Emulator Review site - Want more SNES emulator based reviews? Go here!
    The SNES save-game archives- Name Says it all.

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